March 29, 2008

2/17/2008 JVNA Online Newsletter

Shalom everyone,

This update/Jewish Vegetarians of North America (JVNA) Online Newsletter has the following items:

1. Purim and Vegetarianism

2. My Latest Bio (Used to Promote A SACRED DUTY)

3. My Statement for HSUS Re Abuses of Animals at the Hallmark Slaughterhouse in Chico, California (for Their Collection of Comments From Religious Spokespeople)

4. Global Warming Threatens Water Supplies

5. Ice Melting Accelerating

6. Article on Jewish Environmental Obligations

7. Major Veggie-Pride Parade Planned for New York City

8. Scientists Identify “Tipping Points” of Climate Change

9. JVNA Supports Petition Supporting Dietary Changes to Reduce Global Warming/Still Time To Sign As An Individual

10. Is Free Range Really Much More Humane?

11. Review of DVD “If This is Kosher”

12. NY Times Article: “I Love You, But You Love Meat”

13. Appeal to Rabbis to End Abuses of Animals

14. Update Re Areyvut’s “A Kindness A Day” Event

15. Challenging Environmental Groups That Ignore Dietary Connections to Global Warming

16. Getting Our Message Onto the Media

17. Strong Animal Rights Advocate Representative Tom Lantos Dies

18. DVD on Religious Connections To Animal Rights Available Again

19. US Department of Agriculture Recalls 143 Million Pounds of Frozen Meat

Some material has been deferred to a later update/newsletter to keep this one from being even longer.

[Materials in brackets like this [ ] within an article or forwarded message are my editorial notes/comments.]

Opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the JVNA, unless otherwise indicated, but may be presented to increase awareness and/or to encourage respectful dialogue. Also, material re conferences, retreats, forums, trips, and other events does not necessarily imply endorsement by JVNA or endorsement of the kashrut, Shabbat observances, or any other Jewish observances, but may be presented for informational purposes. Please use e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, and web sites to get further information about any event that you are interested in. Also, JVNA does not necessarily agree with all positions of groups whose views are included or whose events are announced in this newsletter.

As always, your comments and suggestions are very welcome.



1. Purim and Vegetarianism

With Purim now about 5 weeks away, I plan to send my article, letter and Purim shpiel (below) to the Jewish media. So, please let me know if you have any suggestions for improvements. Also, please consider using the material for your own articles, letters and Purim shpiels. Thanks.

Purim and Vegetarianism
Richard H. Schwartz

There are many connections between vegetarianism and the Jewish festival of Purim:

1. According to the Talmud, Queen Esther, the heroine of the Purim story, was a vegetarian while she lived in the palace of King Achashverus. She was thus able to avoid violating the kosher dietary laws while keeping her Jewish identity secret.

2. During Purim it is a mitzvah to give “mat’not evyonim” (added charity to poor and hungry people). In contrast to these acts of sharing and compassion, animal-based diets involve the feeding of over 70 percent of the grain in the United States to animals, while an estimated 20 million of the world’s people die of hunger and its effects annually.

3. During the afternoon of Purim, Jews have a “seudah” (special festive meal), when family and friends gather to rejoice in the Purim spirit. Serving only vegetarian food at this occasion would enable all who partake to be consistent with Jewish mandates to preserve health, protect the environment, share with hungry people, conserve resources, and treat animals with compassion (as well as with the vegetarian practices of Queen Esther).

4. Jews make noise with “groggers” and other noisemakers, to drown out the infamous name of Haman when it appears during the reading of the Megillah (Book of Esther). Today, vegetarians are “making noise” in attempting to educate people and drown out the very well-funded propaganda of the beef and dairy industries.

5. On Purim, Jews emphasize unity and friendship by sending gifts of food (“shalach manot”) to friends. Vegetarians act in the spirit of unity and concern for humanity by having a diet that best shares the earth’s abundant resources.

6. Because Purim commemorates the deliverance of the Jewish people, it is the most joyous Jewish holiday. By contrast, animals on factory farms never have a pleasant day, and millions of people throughout the world are too involved in trying to obtain their next meal to be able to experience many joyous moments.

7. Mordecai, one of the heroes of the Purim story, was a nonconformist. As the book of Esther states, “. . . And all of the king’s servants . . . bowed down and prostrated themselves before Haman . . . But Mordecai would not bow down nor prostrate himself before him” (Esther 3:2). Today, vegetarians represent non-conformity. At a time when most people in the wealthier countries think of animal products as the main part of their meals, when McDonald’s and similar fast food establishments are still popular, vegetarians are resisting and insisting that there is a better, healthier, more humane diet.

8. Purim commemorates the deliverance of the Jews from the wicked Haman. Today, vegetarianism can be a step toward deliverance from modern problems such as hunger, global warming pollution, and resource scarcities.

9. Purim commemorates the time when conditions for the Jews changed from sorrow to gladness and from mourning to festival. Today, a switch to vegetarianism could result in similar changes for many people, since plant- based diets would reduce health problems, pollution, water scarcities, and hunger.

10. Jews hear the reading of the Megillah twice (evening and morning) during Purim, in order to reeducate themselves about the terrible threats to the Jewish people and their deliverance. Jewish vegetarians believe that if Jews were educated about the horrible realities of factory farming and the powerful Jewish mandates about taking care of our health, showing compassion to animals, protecting the environment, conserving resources, and helping hungry people, they would seriously consider switching to vegetarian diets.

11. Hamantashen, the primary food associated with Purim, is a vegetarian food.

In view of these and other connections, I hope that Jews will enhance their celebrations of the beautiful and spiritually meaningful holiday of Purim by making it a time to begin striving even harder to live up to Judaism’s highest moral values and teachings by moving toward a vegetarian diet.
Letter to the editor re “Purim and Vegetarianism”

Dear editor,

According to the Talmud, Queen Esther, the heroine of the Purim story, was a vegetarian while she lived in the palace of King Achashverus, in order to avoid violating the kosher dietary laws while keeping her Jewish identity secret. Therefore, Purim is an ideal time for Jews to consider a shift toward vegetarian diets.

This dietary change would be consistent with important Jewish mandates to preserve our health, treat animals with compassion, protect the environment, conserve natural resources, help hungry people, and pursue a more peaceful, less violent world.

While Purim commemorates the triumph of the Jews in ancient Persia over their oppressors, a shift toward plant-based diets would enable contemporary Jews to reverse current threats from an epidemic of disease related to animal-based diets and the many environmental problems related to modern intensive animal-based agriculture.

Very truly yours,

Richard Schwartz
p. s. I thought you might be interested in my Purimsphpiel (Purim humor) below, which was published by Sh’ma magazine, after they requested me to submit something on the topic, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Reb Henna taught: “Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Clearly, the chicken. How do we know this? We learn from the Book of Esther that when Mordecai asked Esther to go before King Ahashveros to plead for the Jewish people, she s ‘chicken,’ fearing for her life. Only when Mordecai ‘egged’ her on, telling her that perhaps she was enabled to be queen for just this EGGcelent purpose, did she muster the courage and ‘scrambled’ to appear before the king”.

Reb Roosta stated, “Speaking of birds, I heard that a Heavenly voice once announced: ‘A Robin Redbreast in a cage puts all Heaven in a rage’”. (William Blake, “Auguries of Innocence”) Reb Chicka responded, “Not to EGGaggerate, but - If a robin redbreast in a cage puts all heaven in a rage, how feels heaven when, dies the billionth battery hen?” (Spike Mulligan, British comedian) Reb Poultrie stated, “Since Queen Esther was a vegetarian to avoid violating the dietary laws while hiding her Jewish identity, and since our esteemed editor, Rabbi Judah, the Prince was stricken with pain for many years because he callously treated a frightened calf, perhaps we should egg on Jews to protest against the current horrible treatment of chickens.

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2. My Latest Bio (Used to Promote A SACRED DUTY)

Richard H. Schwartz is president of Jewish Vegetarians of North America (JVNA) and the Society of Ethical and Religious Vegetarians (SERV). In 1987, he was selected as “Jewish Vegetarian of the Year” by JVNA. In 2005, he was inaugurated into the North American Vegetarian Society’s “Hall of Fame.” He is a patron of the International Jewish Vegetarian Society. Schwartz is the author of Judaism and Vegetarianism, Judaism and Global Survival and Mathematics and Global Survival. He has more than 130 articles, most on vegetarian-related topics, at He was married in 1960 and has 3 children and nine grandchildren.

Schwartz is the Associate Producer of a JVNA-sponsored documentary A SACRED DUTY: APPLYING JEWISH VALUES TO HELP HEAL THE WORLD (, produced by multi-award-winning movie maker Lionel Friedberg. He is spearheading a campaign to stress that a major shift toward plant-based diets is an essential part of shifting our imperiled world to a sustainable path.

Schwartz received his PhD degree from Rutgers University in 1967 in Applied Mechanics, a branch of Civil Engineering. He taught engineering courses at City College of New York, Rutgers Institute and Pratt Institute from 1956 to 1970. He taught mathematics courses at Staten Island Community College, which later became the College of Staten Island, from 1970 to 1999, when he retired from full-time teaching.

In 1973 Schwartz began teaching a course, “Mathematics and the Environment” at the College of Staten Island. As a resource for the course, he authored a text “Mathematics and Global Survival" which was published in 1979. While reviewing material related to world hunger, he became aware of the tremendous waste of grain associated with the production of beef at a time when millions of the world’s people were malnourished. This led him to become a vegetarian in 1978. Believing that Judaism should be applied to current issues, he did the research that led to the publication of Judaism and Vegetarianism in 1982, and Judaism and Global Survival in 1984.

In his retirement, Schwartz is devoting most of his time to promoting
vegetarianism and environmental involvement. He argues that a shift toward vegetarianism is a religious imperative because the production and consumption of meat and other animal products violate basic Jewish mandates to preserve human health, treat animals with compassion, protect the environment, conserve natural resources, help hungry people and pursue peace

Schwartz has appeared on over 100 radio and cable television programs. He keeps people informed and motivated through a weekly free, electronic JVNA newsletter and frequent published articles. He can be reached at

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3. My Statement for HSUS Re Abuses of Animals at the Hallmark Slaughterhouse in Chico, California (for Their Collection of Comments From Religious Spokespeople)

The horrific treatment of animals at the Hallmark Meat Packing in Chico, California revealed by the HSUS undercover investigation is an important example of the many abuses that over ten billion farmed animals face annually in the US before they are slaughtered. This mistreatment of animals is certainly contrary to religious values which includes compassion. The Psalmist indicated that “God’s mercies are over all of His creatures” (Psalms 145:9). The book of Proverbs (12:10) indicates that “the righteous individual considers the life of his animal.” There are many biblical laws based on compassion to animals.

Making matters even worse is that animal-based agriculture contributes significantly to global warming and other environmental threats and the consumption of meat and other animal products has been linked to heart disease, several types of cancer and other chronic, degenerative diseases.

At a time when the world is heading toward an unprecedented catastrophe from global warming, according to a 2007 UN FAO report, animal-based agriculture emits more greenhouse gases (18 percent, in CO2 equivalents) than all the cars, trucks, planes and other forms of transportation worldwide combined (13.5 percent).

Religious practitioners should seriously consider a switch toward plant-based diets, because the production and consumption of animal products violate basic religious teachings on treating animals with compassion, preserving human health, protecting the environment, conserving natural resources and helping hungry people.

Richard H. Schwartz, Ph.D.
 Professor Emeritus, College of Staten Island
 President of Jewish Vegetarians of North America and Society of Ethical and Religious Vegetarians. Professor Schwartz is also the associate producer of the widely acclaimed documentary: A SACRED DUTY: APPLYING JEWISH VALUES TO HELP HEAL THE WORLD, which addresses factory-farming and global warming issues.

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4. Global Warming Threatens Water Supplies

Forwarded article:

Decline in Snowpack Is Blamed On Warming
Water Supplies In West Affected

By Marc Kaufman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, February 1, 2008; Page A01

The persistent and dramatic decline in the snowpack of many mountains in the West is caused primarily by human-induced global warming and is not the result of natural variability in weather patterns, researchers reported yesterday.

Using data collected over the past 50 years, the scientists confirmed that the mountains are getting more rain and less snow, that the snowpack is breaking up faster and that more rivers are running dry by summer.

The study, published online yesterday by the journal Science, looked at possible causes of the changes—including natural variability in temperatures and precipitation, volcanic activity around the globe and climate change driven by the release of greenhouse gases. The researchers’ computer models showed that climate change is clearly the explanation that best fits the data.

“We’ve known for decades that the hydrology of the West is changing, but for much of that time people said it was because of Mother Nature and that she would return to the old patterns in the future,” said lead author Tim Barnett of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California at San Diego. “But we have found very clearly that global warming has done it, that it is the mechanism that explains the change and that things will be getting worse.”

Many in the West and the Southwest depend on the snowpack’s springtime melt for power, irrigation and drinking water. When the snow fields melt earlier and more suddenly, dams are able to capture less of the water and must release more of it to flow on to the ocean.

“Our results are not good news for those living in the western United States,” the researchers wrote, adding that the changes may make “modifications to the water infrastructure of the western U.S. a virtual necessity.”

© Copyright 1996-2008 The Washington Post Company

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5. Ice Melting Accelerating

Eco-Economy Indicator—ICE MELT
February 4, 2008

Eco-Economy Indicators are the twelve trends the Earth Policy Institute tracks to measure progress in building an eco-economy. Ice melting is one of the most visible indicators of climate change.

Frances C. Moore

With atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations at new record highs and global average temperature now some 0.8 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, the frozen regions of the earth are showing us just how rapidly climate change can take effect. Recent years have seen ice melt accelerate and spread to new, previously unaffected regions. In many areas, the pace of melting has surprised even the scientists studying it most closely, providing a strong early indication that the consequences of climate change could come faster and be more severe than previously believed.

The most dramatic loss of ice in recent years has been the decline of summer sea ice in the Arctic Ocean. Between 1953 and 2006, the area covered by sea ice in September shrunk by 7.8 percent per decade, more than three times as fast as the average rate simulated by climate models. Researchers were further stunned in the summer of 2007 when Arctic sea ice extent plummeted to the lowest level ever measured, more than 20 percent below the 2005 record...
For entire text see
For data see

For an index of Earth Policy Institute resources related to Ice Melt see
And for more information on the effects of rising temperature and how to stabilize climate, you may be interested in Plan B 3.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization by Lester R. Brown (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2008), posted at

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6. Article on Jewish Environmental Obligations

Our End of the Deal

By Rabbi Richard S. Moline
KOACH Director

For years, there have been discussions on how one defines “Jewish arts.” Is a song in Hebrew a “Jewish” song, even if the lyrics have no particular reference to anything exclusively Jewish? Is music written by a Jewish composer “Jewish music,” regardless of its genre? Or might a tune that has a uniquely Jewish theme, but is written by a non-Jew to be considered? An interesting theoretical discussion to have, no doubt, but no clear answer is sure to emerge.

Similarly, we often ask in political and societal terms, what defines a “Jewish” issue? We can make a far more cogent argument that any societal issue is a Jewish issue, that any human concern is a Jewish concern. Arguably, none is more pressing than the issue of the environment and how we treat the physical world in which we live.

The heavens belong to Adonai; the earth God has entrusted to human beings, says Psalm 115. It is a partnership with clearly defined responsibilities. I’m not sure that I’m audacious enough to evaluate God’s end of the deal, especially since I hope to avoid the heavenly realm for a long, long time. However, we can all look at what we’ve done with the earth - and the report card is not a particularly good one.

Granted, there are elements of this partnership we carry out quite well. When we recite the blessing over bread, hamotzi lehem min ha’aretz (literally praising God for “bringing bread out of the earth”), we know that we’re not really acknowledging that God grows bread for us. We’re acknowledging our partnership – God gives us the ability to do what is needed to plant, harvest and grow. We’re part of this process –one might dare to say an equal part.

Yet while we know how to make this arrangement work for us, we are also taking undue advantage. And while Al Gore has brought much of this to our attention, the truth is that we’ve known this for a long time – we have simply failed to act.

So let’s get real. What can we do - not as policy makers, but as citizens of the world? If only we did the simple things, we’d be contributing a whole lot. Recycle – papers, cartridges, electronics and more. Buy recycled products. Use the other side of that sheet of paper to print something you only need temporarily. Recharge batteries. Walk, carpool, ride a bike, rollerblade or take public transportation when you can. Use energy saving, fluorescent light bulbs. Just keeping it simple will make a major difference. Working to change the culture of waste and consumption is not easy. I know I often catch myself taking the easy way out.

If we really do look at ourselves as partners with God in this world, then we have no choice. We need to confront the care of our planet and the roles we play. So is this a “Jewish” issue? I’ll let you decide. For me, it is now a Jewish imperative.

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7. Major Veggie-Pride Parade Planned for New York City

Please cross-post widely.
For immediate release
Contact: PAMELA RICE, 212-242-0011
May 18, 2008
Greenwich Village, NYC

The First Veggie Pride Parade in America will take place in Greenwich Village, New York City, on May 18, 2008.

The procession will begin at 12 Noon in the Old Meat District (where 9th Ave., Gansevoort St., Greenwich St., and Little West 12th St. intersect). The parade will culminate in Washington Square Park (Eastern end), where a festival of rock music, speakers, and exhibitors will take place.

Parade participants are encouraged to dress up in costumes and to wear sign boards announcing their pride in their vegetarian lifestyle. Local restaurants will represent themselves with banners. And otherwise, contingents from all walks of life are encouraged to get involved. Participants may be animal-rights activists, environmentalists, or people simply concerned with their health. They may be bricklayers who just so happen to also be vegetarians (just one example). But on May 18, 2008 all will come together with one voice, one expression, of veggie pride.

At 2 p.m. on stage at the post-parade rally in Washington Square Park, the winners of a costume and poster-slogan contest in various categories will be announced.

At 4 p.m., also on stage, a 7-foot-tall human pea pod, Penelo Pea Pod (long-time mascot of parade sponsor VivaVegie Society) will be married in an open wedding ceremony. The lucky guy (ur, animal? vegetable?) has yet to be identified. Stay tuned. The secret will soon be out.

The parade is fashioned after, and will take place the same weekend as, the Veggie Pride Parade in Paris. The Parisian parade was the first of its kind ever to take place in the world and has been going on annually since 2001.

Visit for more information about the Parisian roots of the parade as well as the genesis for the New York spin-off.

Also at, find buttons to click to get involved through volunteering and sponsorship. Find maps with start location and parade route as well.

Click at for the official Veggie
Pride Parade (USA) blog, calendar, volunteers’ listserve, and costume
page. And so much more...

Visit to find it all.

Please cross post widely.

The Veggie Pride Parade will have floats.
See images here:

... And please, everyone, report the creative display you’ve chosen to make at the parade, be that a costume, a sign board, or a pedicab with a giant apple in the trailing cab....

We’ll post your pictures and publicize your idea. Thank you for your submissions.

Veggie Pride Parade, USA, committee

Home page:

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8. Scientists Identify “Tipping Points” of Climate Change

By Steve Connor
The Independent UK

Tuesday 05 February 2008
Nine ways in which the Earth could be tipped into a potentially dangerous state that could last for many centuries have been identified by scientists investigating how quickly global warming could run out of control.

A major international investigation by dozens of leading climate scientists has found that the “tipping points” for all nine scenarios - such as the melting of the Arctic sea ice or the disappearance of the Amazon rainforest - could occur within the next 100 years.

The scientists warn that climate change is likely to result in sudden and dramatic changes to some of the major geophysical elements of the Earth if global average temperatures continue to rise as a result of the predicted increase in emissions of man-made greenhouse gases.

Most and probably all of the nine scenarios are likely to be irreversible on a human timescale once they pass a certain threshold of change, and the widespread effects of the transition to the new state will be felt for generations to come, the scientists said.

“Society may be lulled into a false sense of security by smooth projections of global change. Our synthesis of present knowledge suggests that a variety of tipping elements could reach their critical point within this century under anthropogenic [man-made] climate change,” they report in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The study came out of a 2005 meeting of 36 leading climate scientists who drew on the expertise of a further 52 specialists. It is believed to be the first time that scientists have attempted to assess the risks of what they have termed “tipping elements” in the Earth’s climate system.

The nine elements range from the melting of polar ice sheets to the collapse of the Indian and West African monsoons. The effects of the changes could be equally varied, from a dramatic rise in sea levels that flood coastal regions to widespread crop failures and famine. Some of the tipping points may be close at hand, such as the point at which the disappearance of the summer sea ice in the Arctic becomes inevitable, whereas others, such as the tipping point for the destruction of northern boreal forests, may take several more decades to be reached.

While scenarios such as the collapse of the Indian monsoon could occur within a few years, others, such as the melting of the Greenland ice cap or the West Antarctic ice sheet, may take several centuries to complete. “Our findings suggest that a variety of tipping elements could reach their critical point in this century under human-induced climate change,” said Professor Timothy Lenton, of the University of East Anglia, who led the study.

A tipping point is defined as the point where a small increase in temperature or other change in the climate could trigger a disproportionately larger change in the future. Although there are many potential tipping points that could occur this century, it is still possible to avoid them with cuts in greenhouse gases, said Professor Lenton. He added: “But we should be prepared to adapt ... and to design an early-warning system that alerts us to them in time.”

Irreversible Changes

• Arctic sea ice: some scientists believe that the tipping point for the total
loss of summer sea ice is imminent.
• Greenland ice sheet: total melting could take 300 years or more but the
tipping point that could see irreversible change might occur within 50 years.
• West Antarctic ice sheet: scientists believe it could unexpectedly collapse
if it slips into the sea at its warming edges.
• Gulf Stream: few scientists believe it could be switched off completely this
century but its collapse is a possibility.
• El Niño: the southern Pacific current may be affected by warmer seas,
resulting in far-reaching climate change.
• Indian monsoon: relies on temperature difference between land and sea, which
could be tipped off-balance by pollutants that cause localised cooling.
• West African monsoon: in the past it has changed, causing the greening of
the Sahara, but in the future it could cause droughts.
• Amazon rainforest: a warmer world and further deforestation may cause a
collapse of the rain supporting this ecosystem.
• Boreal forests: cold-adapted trees of Siberia and Canada are dying as
temperatures rise.

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9. JVNA Supports Petition Supporting Dietary Changes to Reduce Global Warming/Still Time To Sign As An Individual

Hello Friends, Petition initiated by UVA (Argentinian Vegetarian Union)

According to UN’s report, the meat industry is the main producer of greenhouse gas emissions: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ammoniac. Besides, the FAO ensures that ranching is “the major driver of deforestation worldwide” and overgrazing is turning a fifth of all pastures and ranges into desert. Pesticides, antibiotics and hormones used to treat cattle get into drinking water and endanger human health. Consider that livestock production accounts for 33 percent of all agricultural land and 30 percent of the land surface of the planet.
Complete report in English

The Argentinean Vegetarian Union (UVA) asks to the United Nations and through this organization to every government in the world to sensitize world population about the importance of basing our diet on vegetables and to promote a dietary change as the main measure to diminish greenhouse gas emissions.

The UVA calls to every sensitive person interested in preserving life to sign this petition supporting our initiative. The collected signatures will be sent to the United Nations.
Join this initiative! Save the future of our planet for future generations.

We thank you for your support.
Manuel Alfredo Martí
Unión Vegetariana Argentina

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10. Is Free Range Really Much More Humane?

Forwarded message that helps people understand the realities of “free range” animals:

Free Range, Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary

Greetings Everyone,

Many of you may have heard or seen products being promoted as free range, cage free etc. However, many people don’t understand the full reality of “free range” or “cage free”. Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary, located in Colorado, is a wonderful oasis for farmed animals who have suffered extreme brutality. They have written a beautiful article and produced a short video about chickens they recently rescued from a free range facility. Here is the link to the video. Above the video is a link to the article. I encourage you all to find the time to read the beautiful written article and moving video. Pass it on to friends and family. Hopefully, the more we can educate consumers, the more they will choose to support animal free food choices. Please feel free to share your comments on our website.

Best wishes,

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11. Review of DVD “If This is Kosher”

Critical Review: “If This is Kosher…”
Published by jessiedanielsnyc at 7:37 am under documentary, health, Visual Media Course

In the 25 minute film, “If This Is Kosher…,” the narrator and producer, Jonathan Safran Foer, uses a montage of videos taken clandestinely in kosher slaughterhouses, all with the purpose of exposing the kosher meat industry as no more ethical or humane than its non-kosher kin. The film focuses mainly on the accusations of animal cruelty in the world’s largest glatt kosher slaughterhouse, Agriprocessors, in Postville, Iowa. Foer appeals to both reason, through logical arguments offered in the narration, and emotion, through use of videos of animal cruelty in kosher and non-kosher slaughterhouses to reach the film’s goal: convince the viewer to become a vegetarian. However, as compelling as the arguments and disturbing the images are, they are not sufficient to produce a significant move to vegetarianism among a large segment of the population.

Foer, a young, hip author, pictured in front of a wall of books, has a learned appearance while he recounts his journey to becoming a vegetarian and serves as the guide through the film. Rabbis Irving Greenberg and David Wolpe lend the scholarly credibility that the movie requires in order to promote vegetarianism, using a topic as complex as the Jewish dietary laws (kashrut) as background. These well-known rabbis explain that the Jewish dietary laws were originally geared toward vegetarianism. Not only do the rabbis explain the religious reasoning behind the laws, and Judaism’s focus on life, both are also vegetarians. The filmmaker’s choice to feature these rabbis is not coincidental. The combination of their vegetarianism and their high regard as rabbis appeals to a broad spectrum of the Jewish community. Further, the rabbis’ presence in the film lends a feeling of moral obligation to the project, as the requests of the religious leaders may carry more weight for many viewers than that of the young narrator.

While the film is directed mainly toward a Jewish audience, and especially Jews who follow or are interested in the laws of kashrut, it is also appropriate for, and accessible to, anyone interested in animal welfare. The religious commentary is not didactic, but merely another avenue of appealing to moral convictions.

Foer begins with a call to “choose reason over hunger.” While this is certainly a noble call, Foer overlooks the circumstances that allow people to make that choice. Foer appeals to an urban population that is the very reason that large slaughterhouses exist. It is an urban population that has the luxury to choose reason over hunger. Before continuing further with graphic footage taken by PETA from inside Agriprocessors, Foer states that he is not showing the footage to shock us, but rather to help us think about how our choice to eat meat perpetuates animal cruelty and is antithetical to the laws of kashrut. Despite Foer’s protestations, the videos do shock. The images are gruesome. One of the clandestine videos includes footage of cattle having their throats slit and then staggering around in their own blood. It is difficult to concentrate on Foer’s narration during these scenes.

And, yet, even these graphic images are not enough to compel me to become a vegetarian. Watching animals being mistreated is not fun and for some people it may be enough to make a life change, such as becoming a vegetarian. However, the fact is that our culture is so far removed from our food sources that a steak in the grocery store does not convey what happened to the cow when it was being killed. In a society that thrives on instant gratification, asking people to give up meat needs a strong argument. Unfortunately, I think that many people who watch this film will most likely find it very disturbing initially and then probably forget about it within a couple of days. The video provides a toll-free number and link to for further information on becoming a vegetarian. Different from a standard documentary, the video provides outside resources, because it aims not only to educate and expose us to new information, but also tries to convince us to alter our lifestyle. Although it may be easy to call the toll-free number and order the free brochure, for most, becoming a vegetarian is no simple task and requires much more support.

The film makes a strong case for the need for reform in kosher slaughterhouse practices and even for becoming vegetarian, but there are additional compelling arguments that can help strengthen the video’s message. Foer does not touch on the positive side of vegetarianism, such as being able to support local vegetable growers, the purported health benefits and cost benefits. The only option offered to combat the horrific treatment of the animals is to become a vegetarian. This seems too limiting for the grand action that is needed to end such ugly suffering and reform the laws in a way that makes factory farming humane, if that is even possible. There are two main issues being dealt with in the film. One: the laws of kashrut and what they stipulate should or shouldn’t be eaten and how it should be prepared (i.e. cleaned, killed, etc.). Two: the ugly truths of factory farms and how consumption of meat allows and fuels their existence. I would argue that there is a solution to these two dilemmas that is missing from the film: locally produced meat that is humanely treated. There is a growing movement across the country of purveyors following humane slaughter practices and providing much healthier (and perhaps happier) environments for their animals. Meat consumption is taken for granted in our society and even a moderate shift to vegetarianism is highly unlikely. However, alternatives that employ humane slaughter might offer a way to protest the cruel practices of factory farming. The major obstacle to this option, and most likely why locally produced meat was not mentioned in the video, is that kosher meat is not widely, if at all, available from small farms.

In terms of distribution, the video is widely and easily available. Interested viewers can download it for free at And, for those who own the DVD, text printed on the DVD reads: “Please reproduce this recording and offer it to as many people as possible.” This obviously allows for the video to be viewed in a variety of venues and across a range of audience of various religious affiliations. Unlike traditional media, this documentary is not tied to a web of distribution regulations and market factors. By not copyrighting the film and making it available free of charge online, the producers can potentially reach a much wider audience than they might otherwise.

At the end of the film Foer quotes Paul McCartney who says, “If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian.” He uses this quote to make the point that if we saw how animals were treated in order to become our food we would no longer be able to consume them. Perhaps this is true. Maybe everyone would become vegetarian, or possibly slaughterhouse practices would be more humane. Until that day, it will take more than just a video to convince people to stop eating meat.

~ Lia Wallon
MPH Student, CUNY-Hunter College

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12. NY Times Article: “I Love You, But You Love Meat”
The New York Times
February 13, 2008

I Love You, but You Love Meat

SOME relationships run aground on the perilous shoals of money, sex or religion. When Shauna James’s new romance hit the rocks, the culprit was wheat. “I went out with one guy who said I seemed really great but he liked bread too much to date me,” said Ms. James, 41, a writer in Seattle who cannot eat gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye.

Sharing meals has always been an important courtship ritual and metaphor for love. But in an age when many people define themselves by what they will eat and what they won’t, dietary differences can put a strain on a romantic relationship. The culinary camps have become so balkanized that some factions consider interdietary dating taboo.

No-holds-barred carnivores, for example, may share the view of Anthony Bourdain, who wrote in his book “Kitchen Confidential” that “vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter faction, the vegans ... are the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit.”

Returning the compliment, many vegetarians say they cannot date anyone who eats meat. Vegans, who avoid eating not just animals but animal-derived products, take it further shivering at the thought of kissing someone who has even sipped honey-sweetened tea.

Ben Abdalla, 42, a real estate agent in Boca Raton, Fla., said he preferred to date fellow vegetarians because meat eaters smell bad and have low energy. Lisa Romano, 31, a vegan and school psychologist in Belleville, N.Y., said she recently ended a relationship with a man who enjoyed backyard grilling. He had no problem searing her vegan burgers alongside his beef patties, but she found the practice unenlightened and disturbing.

Her disapproval “would have become an issue latereven if it wasn’t in the beginning,” Ms. Romano said. “I need someone who is ethically on the same page.”


Copyright 2008 The New York Times Company

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13. Appeal to Rabbis to End Abuses of Animals

Forwarded Message/a heartfelt appeal by a searching person who is very upset by undercover video of undercover scenes at the South America slaughterhouse :

Here is the letter written to Neturei Karta International
if I may share!

Dearest Rabbi,
I was very moved when I saw a video last month or so, on utube and interview with Rabbi Domb. {URL given below for the movie which exposed brutal conditions at a South American kosher slaughterhouse]

I believe that what he was saying was the truth. I too am a believer. also, I am writing a book about the beauty of the Torah and how when we read it and apply its values to our life we can find its wisdom that Hashem provided, that it can actually cure our sickness and promote us to attain peace with each other and the rest of the nations, minus the temple sacrifices and temple duties of course.

SO as I am writing this book and studying Torah and researching information, I came across more information that has been quite the eye- opener to say the least.

Today, we have very disturbing information of how Kosher Slaughter is not Kosher slaughter done any longer, nor is it “Hashem approved,” as it is revealed in an undercover video tape how Kosher slaughter is being practiced and done today.

This is available on the Internet for the whole world to see. What an atrocity this is and, demoralizing G_ds Great and Holy name! It is absolutly unacceptable!

What you see here it a “Re-lived Holocaust” in 2008 revealed” The inhumane suffering and torcher of Hashems living creatures by his own people!!

Please I beg you Rabbi, something has to be done for the sake of G_ds holy name and the sanctity of preserving all living souls he has created alive!

A light unto the nations we are supposed to be!! We should stand up for righteousness sake for the sake of what is good and right in Hashem’s sight, and stop this demoralizing treatment of his animals.

Our people are to be a clean people who love and follow all of G_ds ways, and Torah instructions and we are to have respect for the sanctity of life. Compassion for the life of all living creatures, it is our responsibility since creation to take care of this earth he gave us and the animals.

We are to be the prime example for the rest to see. A covenent even agreement was made in fact but this is not the case today. This video is a shame and brings shame to Hashem! because it is his people who are guilty of doing the atrocity to these creatures!

It must stop. anyone of G_ds people who turn a blind eye to this after watching the evidence of the video, will be judged very harshly for they will have to answer why they did nothing to try to stop it!

G_d has a people today they follow his ways, they are clean and they show by the way they live and what they do, that they are indeed, One of G_ds people. And he will be there G_d, and he will defeat there enemy! The voice of his people speak today!!
Hear Oh Israel, the L_ord, thy G_d ,is one, and you must love him with your whole heart, mind, soul and strength, and you must inculcate these words that I am commanding you today, in your children, and you must teach, it to them when you get up, when you lie down, and when you walk on the road, Write them on your door post as a reminder, tie them on the fronlet of your forehead, impress them in your heart.
These word that I am commanding you to do today must prove to be in your heart
I am the L_ord your G_d; beside me there is no other.

If you obey these words that I command you today, I will bless you be with you
defeat all your enemies and you will be my people, and I will be your G_d

I know that I may not have said these Holy words of G_d in order, but these are from memory and they are in my heart because I do just so, like Noah, Like Abraham, Like Moses and Joshua,

I am a Convert, I love the L_ord our G_d, with my whole heart, mind soul and strength, and I love all Jews, G_ds chosen today, always,

I am writing to you today, because I am compelled to do so out of Love!
I love you!

Thank you for taking the time to listen.

here is that video to see, it pains me to look at this, and I am sorry to have to send this to you but it is my obligation to do so.

With love,
One of G_ds daughters,
this is the video

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14. Update Re Areyvut’s “A Kindness A Day” Event

Below are excerpts from Areyvut’s Newsletter

Bringing Kindness to Communities One Kid at a Time Special Edition

Areyvut's "A Kindness a Day"

February 16, 2008

This week, volunteer some of your time to an organization that can benefit from a specific skill, talent, or possession that you cherish.

"Speak to everyone who is naturally talented, to whom I have granted a spirit of wisdom, and let them make Aaron's clothing." (Exodus 28:3)

In recent weeks Areyvut has had a surge in new subscribers to our e-Newsletter. We would like to take this opportunity to welcome all of you. We invite you all to give us your feedback at

Areyvut's President's Circle

Joining Areyvut's President's Circle is now more important than ever! The Meyer G. and Ellen Goodstein Koplow Foundation has offered Areyvut a Challenge Grant and Matching Funds through the end of February for the first 25 new members who join the President's Circle. This gift, equaling up to $25,000 will provide additional support that is vital for the future of our programs. We are grateful to the foundation for their support that will enable us to continue spreading the importance of chesed (kindness), tzedakah (charity), and tikkun olam (social action) and look forward to introducing new donors to the important work that we do.

To make a donation or to join Areyvut's President's Circle with you minimum annual gift of $1,000, please contact Daniel Rothner at (201) 244-6702 or

How has Areyvut made an impact in the last 7 days?
Areyvut Goes Beyond Our Borders

Daniel Rothner, Founder and Director of Areyvut, recently returned from delivering a presentation in Vancouver, British Columbia. He spoke with 80 educators at the Jewish Federation of Vancouver on the topic of "Transforming Your School Community through Words". The teachers, principals, and administrators that he met are excited to begin implementing the themes Daniel discussed into their curricula.

If you are interested in bringing a similar program to your school, synagogue, or community center please contact Daniel Rothner at (201) 244-6702 or

Areyvut's Afternoon on the Town!

Areyvut led a Bnai Mitzvah Fair at Temple Beth Abraham in Tarrytown, NY on Feb. 10th.

Some thoughts from the teens and parents about the program...

"I thought it was great how young kids can get involved, and what differences they can make." -Tess W., 6th grade

"I liked looking around at the different stands it really inspired me." -Jensyn M., 6th grade

"Representatives from Areyvut were helpful. One on one student speakers were inspiring." -Rochelle G., parent

If you are interested in bringing a Bnai Mitzvah Fair to your community or to find out more information, please contact Michal Greenbaum at (201) 244-6702 or

Students in the Teen Philanthropy Institute (TPI) at the JCC on the Palisades are continuing to learn about chesed, tzedakah, and tikkun olam opportunities. Sarita Rosenstock, a 10th grade student from Princeton, NJ, a former Areyvut Bnai Mitzvah Essay Contest Winner, was the guest lecturer at the last session. She spoke about her Bat Mitzvah project which involved raising awareness and educating people about the genocide in Darfur and the surrounding region. Sarita has since co-founded an independent student run organization called Raising Awareness Destination: Darfur (R.A.D.D.). The students were truly inspired by her words.

The TPI program is spreading throughout the country! Areyvut is pleased to serve as a consultant to several agencies that are interested in bringing TPI to their communities.

If you are interested in learning more about TPI or bringing TPI to your community, please contact Daniel Rothner at (201) 244-6702 or
147 South Washington Avenue
Bergenfield, NJ 07621
Phone: (201) 244-6702 Fax: (201) 338-2427
Quick Links

Upcoming Events

Teen Philanthropy Institute

JCC on the Palisades
Tenafly, NJ
For more information about Areyvut or to make a donation, please contact us at (201) 244-6702 or visit our website:

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15. Challenging Environmental Groups That Ignore Dietary Connections to Global Warming

Letter Sent by Rina Deych to an environmental group:

As a registered nurse, humanitarian, and environmentalist, I am extremely disappointed in your organization for failing to acknowledge the Nov 2006 400-page UN FAO report entitled "Livestock's Long Shadow" which stated that animal agriculture is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than all the cars, buses, trucks, planes, and all forms of transportation COMBINED.

As an alleged environmental organization, how do you explain your conspicuous avoidance of this issue?

In addition to taking other measures, such as finding alternative energies, conserving resources, recycling, and lobbying for more stringent regulations, we MUST, as a species, move towards a plant-based diet, if we hope to switch to a sustainable course.

For any organization that considers itself environmentally conscious, it is absolutely essential to discuss the UN report and promote a plant-based diet. Your organization has not responded to my prior requests to feature this issue on your web site. Therefore, I hereby proclaim your organization "environmentally unconscious" and withdraw my support for your efforts.

Please take me off your list.

Rina Deych
PS: Here's an alarm clock for you:

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16. Getting Our Message Onto the Media

Message from JVNA advisor Laura Slitt:

Dear Friends,

I am forwarding this because it is a great opportunity to tell NHPR, New Hampshire Public Radio, and the producers of Socrates Radio Cafe, our heartfelt, sad, angry, glad, animal stories and suggestions that they cover the trendy, critical imperative towards veganism. Please share widely,

Laura Slitt


Dear NHARL Members

NHPR is launching a new avenue for listeners to suggest what they'd like covered. By going to the web site, scrolling down to "Public Insight" and clicking on "What would you like to hear on Socrates Radio Cafe", you can fill out a form like the one I cut and pasted below, and suggest, and or write about animal rights. If enough of us send comments, ideas and philosophies, perhaps some will get aired. Please forward this around. And speaking of Socrates, here is an excerpt I will forward to NHPR from in the free online course on Judaism and Vegetarianism;

The relationship between the meat-based resource usage and war is dramatized by the following dialogue from Plato's Republic:

...and there will be animals of many other kinds, if people eat them?


And living in this way we shall have much greater need of physicians than before?

Much greater.

And the country which was enough to support the original inhabitants will be too small now, and not enough?

Quite true.

Then a slice of our neighbors' land will be wanted by us for pasture and tillage, and they will want a slice of ours, if, like ourselves, they exceed the limit of necessity, and give themselves up to the unlimited accumulation of wealth?

That, Socrates, will be inevitable.

And so, we shall go to war, Glaucon. Shall we not?

Most certainly, he replied. [23]

In summary, by adopting a diet that shows concern for the hungry people of the world, by eating in a way that will contribute to a more equitable sharing of food, energy, water and other resources, people can play a significant role in moving the world toward that day when "nations shall not learn war any more."

What topics should we discuss in our Socrates Radio Cafe series? The Exchange is teaming with "Socrates Cafe" author Chris Phillips for a series of on-air discussions on philosophy, ethics and ideas. Our first discussion will look at the question "What does 'love of country' mean?" - and we'd like your help in choosing future discussion topics.

Good questions for a "Socrates Cafe" discussion are related to a timely issue, but encourage the group to consider a broad range of philosophical issues rather than the fine points of a single event. So instead of asking "Which candidate should you support?", the group might discuss "What makes a president great?" (Click here to see examples of discussion topics from the "Socrates Cafe" website.)

THIS FORM IS JUST AN EXAMPLE. go to and follow links to suggest ideas or send you own comment to Socrates Radio Cafe.

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Zipcode *
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What topic or question should we discuss in our Socrates Radio Cafe series?
What personal experiences or insights do you have with this topic? (How would you answer the question you've asked above?)
Who should we talk to about this topic?
What else should we know about this topic?

We ask for some information about you so we can contact you if we have questions. We will not share your personal information outside the newsroom.

By filling out this form, you are giving NHPR permission to contact you only about current and future news coverage, and you become part of the NHPR Public Insight Network.

Your answers are confidential. We will not quote you on the air or on the Web without first getting your explicit permission.

If you give us permission to publish your comments, we may edit them before reading them on-air or posting them to NHPR or American Public Media's Web sites. We reserve the right to reuse or republish your submission, or to withhold it from publication.

You must be 13 years or older to submit information to NHPR.

(For more information see Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.)
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17. Strong Animal Rights Advocate Representative Tom Lantos Dies

Segments from Michael Croland’s blog:

Baruch Dayan HaEmet {Blessed is the True Judge]: Rep. Tom Lantos

Thanks to activist Michael Croland for forwarding this material from his blog to us.

On Monday, Rep. Tom Lantos passed away. Lantos, a Hungarian Jew by birth and the only Holocaust survivor ever elected to Congress, announced last month that he was suffering from esophageal cancer. Lantos was widely recognized as a leading human rights advocate in Congress (read Amnesty International's press release) as well as a champion for animal issues. Click here to read my January 5 tribute to Lantos.

Lantos' dedication to animal issues has been prominently noted in obituaries, including ones in the Los Angeles Times (second paragraph of the article) and The New York Times (fourth paragraph of the article). The day after Lantos' death, the Chico Enterprise Record published an article titled "Lantos a Fierce Defender of Animal Rights."

Seemingly every major animal protection organization issued a statement or otherwise praised Lantos in the wake of his death. Links and excerpts are below. These excerpts show that Lantos did wonderful work on a wide range of animal issues. This man was a true hero.

PETA (Letter to the editor by Kathy Guillermo, director of research, in J.: The Jewish News Weekly of Northern California)

We at PETA came to know Rep. Lantos when he offered to help us with the Silver Spring monkeys, a group of animals that had been terribly abused in a Maryland laboratory. I had the honor of interviewing Rep. Lantos and his wife, Annette, about their efforts to send these animals to a sanctuary. They showed me a photograph of themselves from 1939, when they were happy childhood friends in Budapest, Hungary. But they were Jewish, and not long after the picture was taken, Annette went into hiding and Tom was sent to a forced labor camp. Their families were killed in the Holocaust. These traumatizing experiences, they told me, helped them understand what it was like to be victimized simply because they weren’t like others.

PETA (Blog post on The PETA Files)

At PETA, we are profoundly indebted to Tom Lantos for his insistence that oppression should be fought wherever it exists, not just where it’s convenient, and we will always remember the important work that he did to help animals with gratitude and admiration. Tom Lantos will be deeply missed here at PETA, both by those of us who knew him personally, and by those of us, like me, who have been inspired by his example.

The Humane Society of the United States (Press release)

Congressman Lantos was constant and steadfast in his leadership in championing the needs of pets such as his beloved dog Gigi and other animals in disaster planning. He worked to stop cruel seal hunts, call attention to the killing of dogs in foreign countries, and address animal fighting, horse slaughter, puppy mills, antifreeze safety, canned hunts, bear baiting, non-animal methods in chemical testing, marine mammal protection, downed animal mistreatment and other farm animal welfare issues.

"Today, as we mourn the passing of Representative Lantos, we remember him as a remarkable leader and advocate for the protection and defense of all animals," said Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of The HSUS. "In recognition of his devoted work for animals, The HSUS will honor Representative Lantos with the Joseph Wood Krutch Medal, its highest honor."

Humane Society Legislative Fund (Statement by Michael Markarian, president)
At every turn, he insisted that animal protection was not only a just cause but an urgent one. His leadership was based on his deep personal conviction that every animal matters and deserves our consideration.

Lantos was the founder and co-chairman of the Congressional Friends of Animals Caucus, along with Congressman Chris Shays (R-Conn.), which has held numerous briefings on the Hill to inform lawmakers and their staff about a wide range of animal issues from dogfighting to farm animal welfare.

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Statement by Ed Sayres, president and CEO)

Yesterday, we lost a great champion for America’s pets and grieve for a man who understood the important bond that exists between pet and pet owner. . . . Congressman Lantos’ legacy of support for our nation’s animals will be remembered for years to come. His drive and determination to pass the Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards (PETS) Act became a model of hope for pet owners after the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina, requiring federal emergency management officials to provide emergency pet shelter. More recently, he supported a public education campaign to combat the effects of the Michael Vick dog fighting scandal.

International Fund for Animal Welfare (Statement by Jeffery Flocken, director of the U.S. Office)

As a great champion for both animals and people, he will be sorely missed. During his almost 30 years in Congress, Mr. Lantos worked tirelessly to promote conservation and end cruelty. ... Just last spring, Congressman Lantos introduced a resolution urging Canada to end the brutal commercial seal hunt in Canada, saying, "Killing baby seals echoes the torture and cruel killing of so many other animals around the world. As cochairman of the Congressional Friends of Animals Caucus, I will continue to bring the world's attention to such practices wherever they exist."

Farm Sanctuary (Press release)
Lantos was notably a proponent of the Downed Animal and Food Safety Protection Act (H.R. 661), which, if enacted, would require critically ill and injured animals to be humanely euthanized as well as prohibiting their slaughter for human food.

Gene Baur, president and co-founder of Farm Sanctuary added, “Representative Lantos was truly an extraordinary advocate for the most vulnerable among us. He will be remembered in exceptional esteem as a man with a passion for protecting animals.”

In Defense of Animals (Web post)

Representative Lantos introduced and/or helped pass such legislation as the Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act (which requires inclusion of animal companions in state and local disaster planning), the Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act, the Downed Animal Protection Act, and the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act, among many others.

In celebrating the life of Tom Lantos, we hope that his example will inspire others, especially his political colleagues, to take up the crucial causes for which he fought so passionately. His life serves as an example of how each individual can expand their circle of concern beyond themselves to those who are most in need of our help, both human and non-human.

posted by heebnvegan @ 2/16/2008 12:01:00 PM

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18. DVD on Religious Connections To Animal Rights Available Again

Thanks to JVNA advisor Charles Patterson for sending us this item:

From: "Christian Vegetarian Association"
Date: February 17, 2008 10:34:28 AM EST
Subject: Christian Vegetarian Association e-newsletter Feb. 17

We Are All Noah – Now on DVD

The powerful video We Are All Noah, produced by the Culture and
Animals Foundation, is now available on DVD. The 30-minute video shows
how concern for animals is a common theme of many religions. We Are
All Noah considers a wide range of areas of animal mistreatment,
including vivisection, animal agriculture, and “disposable” pets. The
DVD can be purchased from the CVA for $6 each (to cover our printing
and shipping costs). Send a check to CVA, PO Box 201791, Cleveland, OH 44120.

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19. US Department of Agriculture Recalls 143 Million Pounds of Frozen Meat

LOS ANGELES - The U.S. Department of Agriculture on Sunday ordered the recall of 143 million pounds of frozen beef from a California
slaughterhouse, the subject of an animal-abuse investigation, that provide meat to school lunch programs.

Officials said it was the largest beef recall in the United States,
surpassing a 1999 ban of 35 million pounds of ready-to-eat meats........

Thanks to Amy for forwarding this item from CNN to us:

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The material on this site is provided for educational and informational purposes. It may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. It is being made available in an effort to advance the understanding of vegetarian, environmental, nutritional, health, economic, social justice and human rights issues etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have an interest in using the included information for educational or research purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. The information on this site does not constitute legal, technical or medical advice.